Monday, September 20, 2010

5 weeks today and finally feel normal!

After over a week of being extremely bloated, I am starting to feel normal again. I've lost about 5lbs in the past 3 days and I know it's all of fluid. My stomach is a lot less bloated looking but still bloated. Most of my clothes still don't fit but I suppose I should get use to that.

I've realized that I am getting really antsy about our ultrasound. I keep wondering to myself "what if there is no baby there?" I know I am worrying over nothing. I haven't had any major cramping or no spotting or bleeding but I don't feel like I have a ton of symptoms otherwise. My sister continues to remind me that it is still very early. Some women don't even know they are pregnant this early. She said her symptoms didn't kick in until 6 weeks. I almost feel like I'd feel most comforted if I did have morning sickness or something.

Our ultrasound is schedule for next Monday. I am working on moving it to Friday since B has Friday off and he has already taken so many days off for IVF. I'll be 5 weeks and 4 days on Friday so I don't know if that is too early for their standards. Next Monday I'll be 6 weeks so I know every day makes a difference. We'll see what they say.

On a little bit sadder but good note, B sold his motorcycle. He had been talking about selling it and getting a cheap commuter car which will be safer. Well, the little extra push to sell (besides me being pregnant) was the transmission on our SS is going out and we need to replace it. So, we should get everything taken care of this week. One of his buddies from work is planning on buying it. His wife is also pregnant... 6 months I think but doesn't have the same thinking of B I suppose.

1 comment:

  1. I am with your sister.. I had 0 symptoms of being preggo and at 6 weeks and 2 days I started having morning sickness that didnt end till I was almost 7months!!
