Tuesday, April 26, 2011

36 weeks and...

...we are having some babies soon!

Well, this past week has been a little eventful and definitely proven the end of multiple pregnancies is hard. Friday I had my regular schedule NST and my blood pressure was very high for me. I also had traces of protein in my urine. But, the babies looked good on the NST and the Dr. checked the amniotic fluid and that looked good. My Dr. wanted me to go to the hospital to be monitored. As I was sitting outside his office and he was calling the hospital to let them know I am on my way, I heard him tell the nurse that if it stays high that he will "go ahead and take them". So, clearly that freaked me out. I told B to stay at work because I wasn't sure how long I'd be there.

So I got to the hospital, which is just gorgeous and I love it and everyone was making a huge fuss over how small I am for twins so they didn't think I was very far along. I kept saying I am 35 weeks, almost 36 weeks. I got taken up to L&D by wheelchair which felt so weird. I said I can walk but hospital policies say otherwise. I got changed into the gown, all hooked up to the monitors and lots of blood drawn. Then...laid there for 5 hours. Bloodwork came back that I do have preeclampsia but my blood pressure had gone down so they were letting me go home on strict bed rest. I had a NST scheduled for Tuesday already but he wanted to see my Monday instead.

I came home and have been sitting on the couch pretty much since then. I am not one for bed rest...I don't like being waited on. I like doing the cooking and the cleaning but I will say, I have the best husband. He has been taking great care of me, cooking dinner, cleaning and refilling my water every 30 minutes since I drink so much dang water! We did go to church on Sunday because I just really wanted to go to Easter service and I am glad we did go.

We went to my doctor appointment yesterday and my blood pressure is still high. NST was good though. Brett was with me and he was pretty interested in listening to their heart beats and watching the machine through contractions. He did freak a little when Camden would move and his heartbeat would drop off the monitor for a second. He said the heartbeat sounded like a horse galloping. The NST took a little longer then normal because they weren't very active but after a large cup of apple juice, they started moving a little more.

Doctor came in the room and said that instead of going forward with the c-section at 38 weeks (c-section because Baby A *Brayden* is still breech) he wants to do it closer to 37 weeks because of my preeclampsia. I am still on bedrest and go back Thursday for another NST and will schedule the c-section then but he said Sunday or Monday (May 1st or May 2nd). I am hoping for May 1st for various different reasons but I am pretty happy we will have it scheduled and we are almost done. Brett was/is so excited and being super hyper. I am excited but nervous. A c-section is still surgery. I've had surgery before but not involving two babies but I know everything will go good.

Luckily, everything is ready here. I'll have to put some last minute things in my hospital bag after getting ready and Brett needs to put some things in there as well but the diaper bag is packed (I may go through it again and add some more onesies and sleepers). I had put some preemie onesies and sleep gowns in there but I'm not sure they will be in preemie size. I packed two going home outfits each. One in newborn size and one in preemie size because I just don't know what size they will be.

My mom, sister and two nieces will be making the drive from Arizona on Monday. My dad will be getting here Tuesday morning so it'll be nice to have them all here when I get out of the hospital.

So, our boys will be here this weekend and my 37 week update will actually be their birth! :)

As far as stats go:
I've gained 50 lbs.
I have gotten stretch marks but they are not that bad. The worse thing is one of my gallbladder scars down by my belly button has stretched and itches like heck!
Most of my maternity clothes are too small now so I live in yoga pants and tank tops right now.
No cravings now...in fact, I'm not hungry at all lately but I am making myself eat.
I will miss feeling the boys moving around but I am SO ready for Camden to get out of my rib cage!! He is all curled up in there and let me tell you, it hurts!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

34 weeks!!!!

I'm not one to usually show off bare skin but I don't think you can get the full effect of how large I am!

34 weeks has proven to be almost unbearable. I am beyond uncomfortable. I can't do much besides sit around. That being said, the boys are doing great so I will suck it up and try my hardest to make it a couple more weeks!

Brett and I toured the new hospital we will be going to and we love it! The people are so great, the rooms are large and private, and all in all, it's awesome! We are both pretty excited about it!
I started NST's every two weeks with my first being yesterday. It was pretty uneventful and went pretty quick. She got their heartbeats pretty quickly. The funny thing, I was having consistent contractions and didn't feel any of them. She said that it is pretty normal to have contractions without knowing with twins. They weren't big contractions or anything so nothing to worry about. I also had an ultrasound to measure amniotic fluid and everything looks good. Doctor just wants me to take it very easy (like I have any other choice...I can hardly walk!)

So, keep on cookin' little guys! We are both very excited to meet them and I think at this point, we are both ready for me to not be pregnant :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

33 weeks!

How far along: 33 weeks...33 weeks and 2 days to be exact! Almost there!

Weight gain: 45-46 lbs.

How big are the babies: As of last week, they were both around 4 lbs. Brayden was 4lbs 2 oz and Camden was 3lbs 15oz. I would say they are probably around 4lbs 5oz now (or more).

Stretch marks: Ya know... I had some on my sides, not very noticeable before getting pregnant from gaining and losing weight but as of right now, I really don't see any besides that. None on my actual belly.

Belly Button: outie...It feels really weird and isn't cute. B presses it and says "eject!" He thinks it's funny to call it the babies eject button.

Maternity clothes: Right now, I am living in comfy pants whether it's yoga pants or sweat pants and tank tops/t-shirts. I rarely wear jeans because they just aren't comfortable anymore.

I ended up calling my doctor yesterday morning because I was having a lot of cramping and pressure. I went in and saw another doctor in the practice because mine was not in. He did a quick ultrasound and said everything looks good (Brayden is still breech though). I am dilated to 1cm and 50% effaced. The cramping and pressure is most likely from the weight of the babies. He said I really need to take it easy...not a lot of walking and try to lounge around as much as possible. My body was already telling me that because last week I went to grocery shopping and thought one of the babies were going to fall out. It was absolutely horrible and I have decided to give Brett the job to grocery shop (which he will do...but hate every moment of it).

We installed the car seat bases this week and detailed the car inside and out. My hospital bag is packed and the diaper bag is packed so now we wait...

I start NST's 2x's a week starting next Tuesday. There is a new hospital opening in the area that I would really like to deliver in (hopefully it opens in time!) so we are going to a hospital tour Monday if I am up for it. I don't want to do too much walking but I have got to get out of the house!

I won't lie... I am extremely uncomfortable. My hips and pelvic bone all feel like they are broken. When I roll over in bed, stand, walk...pretty much anything, I hurt. Thankfully, I really am able to take it easy and not do much. I take 2 baths a day and last week I went out to the pool and that helped a lot. I know we only have a couple weeks left and I really don't want them to have any NICU time so every day counts so keep cookin' little guys!!