Saturday, May 7, 2011

36 weeks and 1 day

Change of plans. The day after my last blog, I had spent the day dealing with the planning of the c-section. I was upset because the only hospital they would let me deliver at was a hospital with only shared rooms and SUPER ghetto. It was absolutely not what I wanted but it was the only hospital available in the area for my time frame.

Brett had gotten home early to take care of me on bedrest (or rather, skip out of work) and we were sitting on the couch googling information on Tricare to see if I could get authorization to go to a different hospital. I had used the bathroom about 5 minutes prior went I felt...wet. I thought I was just having excess discharge or something so I got up to put a panty liner on. Well, on my way up the stairs, I felt a flow of water. I got up to the bathroom and sat on the toilet and felt even more. I thought I had peed myself but there was no real smell. I walked downstairs holding my pants and told Brett..."I'm not sure if I peed myself or if my water broke". He just said well it's common to pee yourself when you are pregnant. So, I went back upstairs and changed when he yelled upstairs that Dr. Google said to lay down to 15-20 minutes and if when I stand up there is a gush, it's my water. I laid down and started calling my mom and sisters asking what to do. Of course, they all said to go to the hospital but I really didn't want to go if I just peed embarrassing! I called my doctors office and they told me it sounded like my water. 15 minutes later I stood up and there was a gush. It was my water.

We finished packing our hospital bag and Brett pulled the car forward and off to the hospital we went...I wasn't registered at the hospital we went to (which was our second choice hospital but the closest to us) so that took a while to fill out paperwork then up to Labor and Delivery. They hooked me up to all the machines and checked me. 1cm. 75% effaced. No change since I was last checked but for sure, it was my water.

Everything from that point seems like a blur. They moved quickly and I had to fill out a ton of paperwork. My doctor wasn't on call but the doctor on call was a doctor I had seen in the office a couple times and liked him. The spinal wasn't as painful as I thought and before I knew it, I was on the operating table hearing "Where is the daddy?"

Brett came in and we heard the doctor says, " I see a butt...that gives a whole new meaning to butt crack". We knew right away it was Brayden since he was breech. He was born at 7:56 p.m. Camden joined him soon after at 7:57 p.m.

Brayden was 4lbs 9 oz, 17 inches long. Camden was 5lbs 7oz, 19 inches long. I was able to see both of them right away before they brought them back to the nursery. Brett went back to the nursery with them but before they left, the Pediatrician told me they looked good.

While in recovery, Brett and the nurse brought Camden to me and I was able to have some skin to skin with him and attempt to breastfeed. Once I got in postpartum room, both boys were brought into the room. I was definitely sore and still a little out of it but so in love! We tried breastfeeding right away but because they are preemie, they couldn't latch quite right and we added a nipple shield. So we had a lactation specialist come in and our pediatrician wanted us to supplement because of their size. We did SNS and that seemed to work well but Camden ended up loosing more then 10% of his birth weight. We ended up having to bottle feed since the pediatrician said it'd be easier for them to gain weight and if they didn't gain weight, they'd have to go back into the hospital.

So...right now we are supplementing with formula and I am pumping so they get half and half. My goal is to get my supply up enough that I can either exclusively pump or go back to breastfeeding. We are still trying to figure everything out.

They are so perfect. They don't look alike at all yet they both look like their daddy. Brayden looks like Brett now and Camden looks like Brett did as a baby. Brayden has brown hair, Camden has blonde hair.

They sleep pretty good and we have to wake them up to feed them at night for the most part. It is definitely tiring and I am exhausted but I know before I know it, this will be gone so I am trying to enjoy every moment. My favorite is having them curled up on my chest.
Camden is on the right, Brayden is on the right. I will upload more pictures when things have settled down a little bit!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

36 weeks and...

...we are having some babies soon!

Well, this past week has been a little eventful and definitely proven the end of multiple pregnancies is hard. Friday I had my regular schedule NST and my blood pressure was very high for me. I also had traces of protein in my urine. But, the babies looked good on the NST and the Dr. checked the amniotic fluid and that looked good. My Dr. wanted me to go to the hospital to be monitored. As I was sitting outside his office and he was calling the hospital to let them know I am on my way, I heard him tell the nurse that if it stays high that he will "go ahead and take them". So, clearly that freaked me out. I told B to stay at work because I wasn't sure how long I'd be there.

So I got to the hospital, which is just gorgeous and I love it and everyone was making a huge fuss over how small I am for twins so they didn't think I was very far along. I kept saying I am 35 weeks, almost 36 weeks. I got taken up to L&D by wheelchair which felt so weird. I said I can walk but hospital policies say otherwise. I got changed into the gown, all hooked up to the monitors and lots of blood drawn. Then...laid there for 5 hours. Bloodwork came back that I do have preeclampsia but my blood pressure had gone down so they were letting me go home on strict bed rest. I had a NST scheduled for Tuesday already but he wanted to see my Monday instead.

I came home and have been sitting on the couch pretty much since then. I am not one for bed rest...I don't like being waited on. I like doing the cooking and the cleaning but I will say, I have the best husband. He has been taking great care of me, cooking dinner, cleaning and refilling my water every 30 minutes since I drink so much dang water! We did go to church on Sunday because I just really wanted to go to Easter service and I am glad we did go.

We went to my doctor appointment yesterday and my blood pressure is still high. NST was good though. Brett was with me and he was pretty interested in listening to their heart beats and watching the machine through contractions. He did freak a little when Camden would move and his heartbeat would drop off the monitor for a second. He said the heartbeat sounded like a horse galloping. The NST took a little longer then normal because they weren't very active but after a large cup of apple juice, they started moving a little more.

Doctor came in the room and said that instead of going forward with the c-section at 38 weeks (c-section because Baby A *Brayden* is still breech) he wants to do it closer to 37 weeks because of my preeclampsia. I am still on bedrest and go back Thursday for another NST and will schedule the c-section then but he said Sunday or Monday (May 1st or May 2nd). I am hoping for May 1st for various different reasons but I am pretty happy we will have it scheduled and we are almost done. Brett was/is so excited and being super hyper. I am excited but nervous. A c-section is still surgery. I've had surgery before but not involving two babies but I know everything will go good.

Luckily, everything is ready here. I'll have to put some last minute things in my hospital bag after getting ready and Brett needs to put some things in there as well but the diaper bag is packed (I may go through it again and add some more onesies and sleepers). I had put some preemie onesies and sleep gowns in there but I'm not sure they will be in preemie size. I packed two going home outfits each. One in newborn size and one in preemie size because I just don't know what size they will be.

My mom, sister and two nieces will be making the drive from Arizona on Monday. My dad will be getting here Tuesday morning so it'll be nice to have them all here when I get out of the hospital.

So, our boys will be here this weekend and my 37 week update will actually be their birth! :)

As far as stats go:
I've gained 50 lbs.
I have gotten stretch marks but they are not that bad. The worse thing is one of my gallbladder scars down by my belly button has stretched and itches like heck!
Most of my maternity clothes are too small now so I live in yoga pants and tank tops right now.
No cravings fact, I'm not hungry at all lately but I am making myself eat.
I will miss feeling the boys moving around but I am SO ready for Camden to get out of my rib cage!! He is all curled up in there and let me tell you, it hurts!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

34 weeks!!!!

I'm not one to usually show off bare skin but I don't think you can get the full effect of how large I am!

34 weeks has proven to be almost unbearable. I am beyond uncomfortable. I can't do much besides sit around. That being said, the boys are doing great so I will suck it up and try my hardest to make it a couple more weeks!

Brett and I toured the new hospital we will be going to and we love it! The people are so great, the rooms are large and private, and all in all, it's awesome! We are both pretty excited about it!
I started NST's every two weeks with my first being yesterday. It was pretty uneventful and went pretty quick. She got their heartbeats pretty quickly. The funny thing, I was having consistent contractions and didn't feel any of them. She said that it is pretty normal to have contractions without knowing with twins. They weren't big contractions or anything so nothing to worry about. I also had an ultrasound to measure amniotic fluid and everything looks good. Doctor just wants me to take it very easy (like I have any other choice...I can hardly walk!)

So, keep on cookin' little guys! We are both very excited to meet them and I think at this point, we are both ready for me to not be pregnant :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

33 weeks!

How far along: 33 weeks...33 weeks and 2 days to be exact! Almost there!

Weight gain: 45-46 lbs.

How big are the babies: As of last week, they were both around 4 lbs. Brayden was 4lbs 2 oz and Camden was 3lbs 15oz. I would say they are probably around 4lbs 5oz now (or more).

Stretch marks: Ya know... I had some on my sides, not very noticeable before getting pregnant from gaining and losing weight but as of right now, I really don't see any besides that. None on my actual belly.

Belly Button: outie...It feels really weird and isn't cute. B presses it and says "eject!" He thinks it's funny to call it the babies eject button.

Maternity clothes: Right now, I am living in comfy pants whether it's yoga pants or sweat pants and tank tops/t-shirts. I rarely wear jeans because they just aren't comfortable anymore.

I ended up calling my doctor yesterday morning because I was having a lot of cramping and pressure. I went in and saw another doctor in the practice because mine was not in. He did a quick ultrasound and said everything looks good (Brayden is still breech though). I am dilated to 1cm and 50% effaced. The cramping and pressure is most likely from the weight of the babies. He said I really need to take it easy...not a lot of walking and try to lounge around as much as possible. My body was already telling me that because last week I went to grocery shopping and thought one of the babies were going to fall out. It was absolutely horrible and I have decided to give Brett the job to grocery shop (which he will do...but hate every moment of it).

We installed the car seat bases this week and detailed the car inside and out. My hospital bag is packed and the diaper bag is packed so now we wait...

I start NST's 2x's a week starting next Tuesday. There is a new hospital opening in the area that I would really like to deliver in (hopefully it opens in time!) so we are going to a hospital tour Monday if I am up for it. I don't want to do too much walking but I have got to get out of the house!

I won't lie... I am extremely uncomfortable. My hips and pelvic bone all feel like they are broken. When I roll over in bed, stand, walk...pretty much anything, I hurt. Thankfully, I really am able to take it easy and not do much. I take 2 baths a day and last week I went out to the pool and that helped a lot. I know we only have a couple weeks left and I really don't want them to have any NICU time so every day counts so keep cookin' little guys!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

32 weeks!

I cannot believe I am 32 weeks already. Part of me feels like I have been pregnant forever...the other part of me feels like it's just flown by. Pretty much everything is ready. Hospital bag is packed. Nursery is done. One of the two pack n plays are put together. We have a couple of small things to pick up and also, we need to purchase a double snap and go. But all in all, if we were to have babies anytime, we would be prepared. Well, maybe not mentally prepared yet but...hopefully that'll come soon? Or maybe there is just not mentally preparing to have TWO babies!

I'm suppose to be taking things really easy and that is hard for me. B keeps telling me to just sit down but the house doesn't clean itself. I want a clean home to come home to with our little guys. So, I've been breaking things up and doing a couple things a day and being a total bum the rest of the time.

I've gained 40+ this point, I'm not really looking at the scale. I definitely feel huge. At my last appointment (30 weeks) I was measuring 43 cm. I get really swollen if I am up too much. My poor feet look huge! My fingers and toes are sore. It hurts to bend them. My hips pop and crack when I walk. My pelvic bone feels like it's broken. Baby Camden has nuzzled up in my rib cage and it's so uncomfortable. Brayden's feet are so low, it feels like his legs could fall out at any time.

But, as miserable as I am...I couldn't be happier. The closer we get, I won't lie... I am a nervous but excited. We've waited for this for so long and I am so happy to finally be here. In a way, it seems surreal. I am 8 months pregnant. These little guys could make an appearance at any time now (hopefully not for another 5 weeks though).

Right now and as far as I know, Brayden is still breech. My Dr. said I would be able to feel him flip because it'll hurt. I hurt but I haven't felt any hurting that I would associate with him flipping. We have a growth scan on Wednesday so we will see then. If he is still breech, my Dr. doesn't feel at this point he will be able to flip so we will be scheduling a c-section. He wants to schedule it for around 38-39 weeks. I'd like to schedule it for 37 weeks. We will see. There is always a chance I'll go into labor before then so who knows!?

I am very excited that a new hospital in our area is opening this week and it's the hospital we will get to deliver at (if it's past 36 weeks). Anything earlier then 36 weeks and we will be going to a hospital up north with one of the highest rated NICU's in the area. We are relieved another hospital is opening up because we did a tour for the main hospital by my doctors office and were not happy with it. I did a lot of research and it has horrible reviews. I absolutely did not want to deliver there. So, hopefully we will be able to tour the new hospital soon!

All in all...things are going and before we know it, Brayden and Camden will be making their appearance!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

28 weeks!

I just got home from a doctor appointment. I am 28 weeks and 3 days. I'm not going to do the normal format and won't add a picture because I haven't taken one this week.

Everything looks pretty good. Right now, Baby A (Brayden) is breech. Baby B (Camden) is head down. So, Brayden needs to flip (he flipped within the past two weeks because they were both head down at my last appointment). My doctor isn't too concerned right now but in a couple weeks, if he doesn't flip then we are going to discuss a c-section.

Both their heartbeats looked good. I am measuring 38 weeks and have gained.....40...yes 40 lbs! It's a little shocking because I've gained a lot recently but the end goal is healthy babies. I'll lose the weight eventually and be blessed with two beautiful baby boys.

I had to get a RhoGam shot today because I am RH negative. You'd think I'd be use to shots because of IVF hurt! I am thankful that is over, although I have to get another one 72 hours after the boys are born.

My next appointment is on the 16th and then two weeks after that I go in for another growth scan of the boys.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

27 weeks!

How Far Along: 27 weeks....and depending on what reference you are using, third trimester!

Total Weight Gain: I'm not sure on the exact number because I forget to ask after she weighed me and I wasn't paying attention so I can update that next week after my appointment but over 30 lbs I know.

Maternity Clothes: Yup...things are actually starting to get a little tight so I have been living in comfy dresses and sweats.

Stretch Marks: Eh... I have some but they are really faint.

Best Moment this Week: i have two. I got to see the boys on Thursday at a doctor's appointment...they were moving around and are so much bigger! Brayden is measuring 2 lbs 1 oz, Camden is measuring 2lbs 4 oz, both 15 inches long! They grow so quick! Keep growing little guys!! Then B had a long weekend so we did stuff around the house for the babies. We hung the curtains and shelves in the nursery. I sterilized their bottles and pacifiers. I started packing their diaper bag and put a list together for my hospital bag. I am SUCH a planner so I would really love to just have everything done in case I go into preterm labor. We got our carseats in, one of our pack n plays, the clothes in the nursery are all cleaned and put away neatly. We just some smaller items and we are all set!

Movement: Tons...and Camden's head is very low so it feels so strange to feel movement down in my pelvic region.

Food Cravings: Nothing really. I made ham and potato chowder and that's the only thing that has sounded good to me though.

Belly Button Innie or Outtie: A very, very shallow innie.

What are You Looking Forward to this Week: I am just looking forward to being another week closer to have these little guys here!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

24 weeks...and nursery

I haven't posted in a couple weeks because I was in Alaska visiting family and had my baby shower. I'll do a separate post for my baby shower was so great it deserves it's own post!

I feel like I got so much bigger while I was up there and that was confirmed when Brett picked me up from the airport and commented about how much bigger I am. And NO fun while pregnant. None whatsoever! I had a good time in Alaska but I am so glad to be home.
My parents got us our nursery bedding for the baby shower so I've been working on the nursery. I have to say, I absolutely LOVE the bedding. It is exactly what I wanted! And my mom and I saw this tree decal at Babies R Us and it matches perfectly! I decoupaged these letters today and I think they turned out pretty good. I am not a perfectionist so they are not perfect but good enough for me!

And the most exciting thing this week...Brett felt the babies kick last night. They have been moving like crazy lately so last night, I just had him sit with his hand on my stomach while we watched t.v. They were moving but I wasn't sure if they were hard enough kicks that he would be able to feel them. So I felt a kick and asked "did you feel that?" and he just got a huge smile on his face! I know he was so happy because he has been wanting to feel them. Then, he was resting his head on my stomach and he got a little kick on the face :) It made me so happy that he could finally feel what I've been feeling!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

22 weeks

How Far Along: 22 oh man is time flying by! I feel like I say this every week but really, it seems like just yesterday we did our embryo transfer!

Total Weight Gain: 25 lbs...eek! I got a "talk" at the doctors office just saying I need to eat healthy and walk. blah blah blah...I know!

Maternity Clothes: Yup! I even was able to get my maternity capri's out from back in October and wear them since it's 80 degrees here! Such crazy January weather from what I am use to!

Stretch Marks: I think I may have one or two more on my sides....lame but worth it. I already have bad gallbladder removal scars on my stomach so it's not like I'd ever be a bikini model so I am not that worried :)

Best Moment this Week: Putting together our cribs and changing table. I am very excited about we just need the bedding and everything else.

Movement: Yes, lots...I feel like if one isn't moving, the other is. I love it though! I am starting to feel/see them kick on the outside but Brett hasn't felt them yet.

Food Cravings: Hmmm chocolate and peanut butter.

Belly Button Innie or Outtie: Innie but it's getting more shallow.

What are You Looking Forward to this Week: I am going to Alaska this weekend for 10 days to spend time with family and have my baby shower and I am pretty excited about that (minus the freezing cold weather!)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Battalion Baby Shower

Today, they had a battalion baby shower. There were 16 of us pregnant ladies there (and one guy who was a stand in for his wife who was home sick). I was a little nervous about going because I don't really know many ladies in my husband's battalion (definitely ones that would be there). But, ended up hanging out with Brett's Sgt's wife who is due any day and very nice. We played the typical baby games...toilet paper measuring the size of the bellies (I dislike that game!), guess what candy bar is in the diaper (disgusting!) and draw a baby in a diaper without looking. They had a ton of food and delicious cupcakes!

An organization called Helping Hands (Christ Community Church of Laguna Hills branch) donated some amazing gift baskets to each of the ladies. I wasn't sure if I took one or two baskets so took one and they ran out of boy baskets so they insisted they would send me one. I told them I was okay, one was more then enough but they were so kind about it. Our FRO ended up having an extra boy basket in her car so she gave that one to me.

Brett's Commanding Officer gave a little speech and his wife stuck around for the entire shower. They have 8 year old twin boys from fertility drugs, so she gave great advice. Her husband deployed to Iraq 6 days after her boys were born and she got pregnant with their daughter 5 months later after his return home. She laughed and said, well...we had to use fertility drugs to get pregnant so we thought it wouldn't happen on our own. It's crazy how common that is and also makes me realize Brett and I will have to be careful about that. I told him the other day, what in the world would be we do if we got pregnant on our own before you deploy? I would go insane but feel so blessed....two boys under 6 months and pregnant. Man...don't even want to think that way. We will be avoiding that.

Being a Marine wife isn't easy. In fact, it's hard. Brett isn't home much. He works long hours. He is away at training. He deploys. He goes to war zones. He is cranky and tired most of the time from working so much. He has issues about his last deployment and will be deploying again within 6 months of our boys being gone and will be gone for 7 months. He will most likely miss their first birthday. He will be gone the entire month of April with me at risk of going into labor at any time. He will be gone the entire month of July, leaving me with two newborn babies. But, days like today made me thankful for our Marine Corps family. It made me thankful to be part of a community that cares about each other and looks out for each other. Do I always LOVE the Marine Corps? No. But I am thankful. I am thankful for the stability it gives our family in the time of an unstable economy. I am thankful for our insurance in which since being pregnant and switching to my OB - I have not paid a penny. (Our anatomy scan was $500 alone). When I go on base, I have a sense of pride in my husband and our Marines. I am thankful for everything the Marine Corps has provided for us in the past 2 1/2 years and will continue to be thankful for everything in the next year and a half (or more...who knows what 2012 brings us).

Okay...enough of all that. Our gift baskets were great and full of wonderful gifts. Handmade
blankets, onesies, outfits, hands, socks, diapers, wipes, burp rags, bibs...lots of great things!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Holy Cow...20 weeks!

Mommy View (I can see my toes, but I'm sure not much longer!)

How Far Along: 20 weeks. Truly, I feel like time is flying by. We have a lot of stuff to do and a lot of stuff going on in the next month or so...these babies will be here before we know it!

Total Weight Gain: ugh...well...19 lbs as of my appointment last Tuesday. The Dr. got on me a little, just saying I need to eat healthy. I told him to cut me some slack, it was the holidays! The goal is 40 to 50 lbs (I would love to stay closer to the 40 side but at the end of the day, I just want healthy babies. Whatever I gain, I'll work on getting rid of after they are born)

Maternity Clothes: Yup! I might delete this question since it's going to be a yes from here on out. Oh but I did buy a maternity coat from Target on Clearance. I wanted just a regular peacoat but in a regular size but they didn't have one. My jacket is no longer zipping up so this one is cute and will definitely be useful when i am in Alaska in a couple weeks.

Stretch Marks: Not yet...

Best Moment this Week: Truly, I am just enjoyed spending time with Brett. His grandfather passed away yesterday morning and it's just been nice to be able to hang out and him not worry about work (although he goes back tomorrow). We've been total bums, watching movie after movie and occasionally running errands.

Movement: Yup, I have actually been feeling them a lot more recently. i cannot wait until Brett can feel them.

Food Cravings: Chocolate...hence 19 lbs. I've been trying to eat healthier though but don't neglect myself from chocolate.

Belly Button Innie or Outtie: Innie but it's getting more shallow.

What are You Looking Forward to this Week: They are having a Battalion baby shower on Friday. It should be fun. I won't know too many people but I am hoping a couple of my girl friends will go with me.

On a side note: I have been getting horrible Restless Legs Syndrome. Almost every night I have been taking a hot bath because my legs are just killing me. Last night, at about midnight I took a bath because I could not sleep. It's very uncomfortable. I try stretching...walking, everything the books say and not much helps.