Monday, August 23, 2010

So far, So good.

I remind myself daily that this is for a good cause because I absolutely do not like needles and hate doing the injections. But, it'll be worth it when we have a beautiful baby to hold.

The shots are going good. Today is day 4 of stims. So far, my dosage has stayed the same. (10 units of Lupron, 1 vial of Menopur, 75 units of Follistim). I went in yesterday and today for blood draw. I haven't gotten my phone call yet today for my dosage for the day. I go in tomorrow for another blood draw and then Wednesday I start getting ultrasounds. I pray everything looks great and I don't get overstimulated. I think that is one of my biggest fears but Dr. A has reassured me they are going to watch me very closely (because I am young and produce a lot of follicles on my own.) So, I suppose I just have to have faith that he knows what he is doing. Obviously he does or he/the clinic wouldn't have such high success rates, which is why we chose them in the first place.

I haven't had a ton of side effects but the ones I do have, are a pain... literally. Headaches, cramping, and I feel a little like I have a ton of bricks around my waist. But again, this is all for a good cause!

The worst part of this all... the drive to La Jolla. I'll be happy when this week is over and I don't have to drive there daily because California drivers suck. Traffic hasn't been horrible but hasn't been good either. I leave the house super early because I never know how traffic will be but always end up getting there early. But my biggest pet peeve, California drivers don't believe in safety gaps while driving. HELLO people, I am leaving that space between me and the car in front of me on purpose and it's not so you can cut in front of me. I guess driving in Alaska you are so use to having a safety gap because in the winters, you don't want to slide into the people in front of you. People down here drive right on your bumper. Don't they realize that traffic comes to sudden stops all the time so you aren't giving yourself room to actually stop? Okay... vent over!

Edit: Nurse called right after I wrote this and changed my Follistim dosage to 50 units, instead of 75. She said my numbers look great and we will know more on Wednesday what the size of the follicles are and how many more days of stims I'll need.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like everything's going great. Good luck for your scan today.
