My IVF Coordinator was off today so I met with another lady and she really helped me out. She taught me all the shots and how to mix the Menopur. I told her my fear of doing something wrong and messing everything up. She told me not to worry and that I can't mess it up. She said that is why they check my blood every day. If I missed a dosage or did something wrong, they would be able to correct it.
She also said she doesn't think I will need to do the full 10 days of stims. She thinks it'll be more like 8 days which would make our egg retrieval on the 29th. She said at the end, I most likely won't be using very much Menopur and Follistim because it's not going to take much to get me where I need to be.
I got all my medication from the pharmacy. I was a little overwhelmed but I took the advice of someone off the bump and bought some tubberware. I seperated it from the medicine I need
now and what I'll use later. It made it a little easier.

When I updated Brett about my appointment, he kept saying how excited he is. I am excited but I have to remind myself that there is a possibility it won't work.
Next appointment is Sunday at 9:30 for bloodwork.
Great news. Sounds like you're going to respond really well to the stims. The hope/fear balance is difficult to manage - where will we be nine months from here?