Monday, August 30, 2010

Back from Egg Retrieval

What a day! I had to go with B to work this morning so he didn't have to drive an hour to work, an hour home then an hour and a half to the doctor. He had to be there at 6:45 so we left the house at 5:45. Way too early for this girl! I sat in the car for about 3 hours, during which time I went back to sleep. I was on the phone with my sister when B's Sgt walked up the car and asked when our appointment was. I told him 10:45. He said, and he just left you sitting here in the car? That's not okay. I told him I didn't mind and it was my idea. About 5 minutes later, B walked out of the office and said his Sgt told him to go for the day and take me out to breakfast before our appointment. I wish but... no food or drinks after midnight last night. So, we just went to the doctors office early.

The nurses that do the ER are different then my every day nurses but they were still very nice. Bri, our main nurse, kept saying how young I am. I got asked a couple times, are you doing this for you or....(meaning for us or an egg donor)? They let me pick the type of music for the room and were going to hook up my Iphone but it wasn't working with the stereo so we got some country music. I was out of it most of the time but I remember after I woke up, someone said something about 18 eggs on one side. Later, my nurse asked if I had heard how many they retrieved. I said well I think I was told 18 from one side but I don't remember. She said oh no, maybe 18 in total. Sure enough, I was right. 18 from one ovary. 9 from the other. I know the 18 is from my right ovary because I could seriously feel that side the most. So, 27 eggs. 17 mature eggs. We will find out more tomorrow.

The doctors, nurses and embryologist all said that's the highest number of eggs they've retrieved in their office. I'm setting all sorts of records today. The youngest patient (who isn't doing egg donation) and the most eggs! Dr. A said he thinks our chances are "very good". So, we will wait and see. Our goal is a 5dt but will know more tomorrow.

So exciting!!

For the most part, I feel okay. I get some random sharp pains in my stomach but I am sure with time it'll go away. They are very concerned with me getting Ovarian Hyper-stimulation so I am on a strict diet for the next couple weeks. No sugars. All whole wheats. Not a lot of water but rather powerade zero (that has no sugar) and diet juices.

Tomorrow for start the PIO shots... i am dreading that but it's getting us one step closer to our children and that is worth it.

1 comment:

  1. What a haul! 28 eggs is amazing. You're going to need three egg cartons to store all those. Congratulations. Good luck with the PIO shots.
