Saturday, July 17, 2010

Just getting thoughts out.

Just wanted to get my feelings down, not much of an update. I have surgery on Thursday, pre-op on Monday. I have to get an appointment letter from my doctor stating I am having surgery otherwise they won't let Brett off to take me Thursday. A little ridiculous but such as life in the Marine Corps.

We are both getting pretty excited. I used an IVF due date calculator (you calculator it different then if it were a normal cycle) and if we do everything has planned, I'd be due at the end of May. May seems like a good month to me. My birthday, Mother's Day and our anniversary are all in the May.

Brett made me smile earlier this week (well, more then once but one thing in particular made me smile). He is part of a forum for Trailblazer SS's where they talk about their SS's and everyday life stuff. So he told me he started a forum about IVF and other guys responded they had done it or were in the process of doing it. I'm not sure why but it just thought it was cute that he was sharing things with them. I think it's a good outlet for him to talk about it. I know all the guys at his work know about it and it shows me he is excited. He said, well you post on a forum about it, what is so different for me to post on a forum about it? I just love that guy. I know he is going to be the type who is so excited, he brings every ultrasound picture and gives every update to his co-workers. That's why I love him so much. He has such a passion to be a dad and I know he is going to be an awesome dad.

I've started getting things ready somewhat. Well, as ready as you can get things. They said you have to wear warm socks to embryo transfer and if you know me, you know I hate socks. I rarely, rarely ever wear socks. In fact, when I was living back home during Brett's deployment, my mom bought me socks because I kept taking her's when I would go to the gym because I didn't pack a single pair of socks to move up there. Anyways, I bought a pair of really warm, cozy socks. They are actually the same type of socks my mother in law wears all the time and I know she loves them. I also bought myself a pair of loose sweat pants. We have to go out and buy a heating pad this week for my surgery because I guess you get bad cramps following the surgery. Also they said it's good to use before doing the progesterone in oil shot in your rear (like your butt cheek). Aww, the joys of IVF!

I pray every day that this works. We are freezing embryos so we can do a frozen embryo cycle but it wouldn't happen anytime soon because of finances. They've told us they give us a 79% chance. He said we are ideal candidates. But I know other women have heard that and had to do multiple cycles. I am confident in our clinic and their abilities. They have great success rates and are very thorough. We never thought we would have to go this far to have a baby. Both of us have always dreamed of having a family and thought it'd just happen. That wasn't the case but we are glad we found this clinic because they've made us feel like family and are very supportive. It's like they are rooting for you too, not just doing their job.

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