Tuesday, November 2, 2010

11 weeks!

How Far Along: 11 weeks!

Total Weight Gain: 3 lbs. But in my defense (besides that I am pregnant with twins), I hadn't weighed myself in almost 2 weeks.

Maternity Clothes: Yeah. I definitely need to invest in a good pair of maternity jeans. I bought capris and have been living in them.

Best Moment this Week: Not baby related but Brett got promoted yesterday and I got to pin on his new rank. It was a great day and I am so proud of him!

Food Cravings: French fries..that probably explains the weight gain :) That and the Halloween candy!

What are You Looking Forward to this Week: Saturday Brett and I are going to go to Babies r Us and look at the baby stuff we want and maybe start a registry. I don't care if people think it's too early. The big things we want are gender neutral so won't matter about the sex.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to both of you. Go out and buy yourself some cute maternity clothes - you deserve it.
