Saturday, May 7, 2011

36 weeks and 1 day

Change of plans. The day after my last blog, I had spent the day dealing with the planning of the c-section. I was upset because the only hospital they would let me deliver at was a hospital with only shared rooms and SUPER ghetto. It was absolutely not what I wanted but it was the only hospital available in the area for my time frame.

Brett had gotten home early to take care of me on bedrest (or rather, skip out of work) and we were sitting on the couch googling information on Tricare to see if I could get authorization to go to a different hospital. I had used the bathroom about 5 minutes prior went I felt...wet. I thought I was just having excess discharge or something so I got up to put a panty liner on. Well, on my way up the stairs, I felt a flow of water. I got up to the bathroom and sat on the toilet and felt even more. I thought I had peed myself but there was no real smell. I walked downstairs holding my pants and told Brett..."I'm not sure if I peed myself or if my water broke". He just said well it's common to pee yourself when you are pregnant. So, I went back upstairs and changed when he yelled upstairs that Dr. Google said to lay down to 15-20 minutes and if when I stand up there is a gush, it's my water. I laid down and started calling my mom and sisters asking what to do. Of course, they all said to go to the hospital but I really didn't want to go if I just peed embarrassing! I called my doctors office and they told me it sounded like my water. 15 minutes later I stood up and there was a gush. It was my water.

We finished packing our hospital bag and Brett pulled the car forward and off to the hospital we went...I wasn't registered at the hospital we went to (which was our second choice hospital but the closest to us) so that took a while to fill out paperwork then up to Labor and Delivery. They hooked me up to all the machines and checked me. 1cm. 75% effaced. No change since I was last checked but for sure, it was my water.

Everything from that point seems like a blur. They moved quickly and I had to fill out a ton of paperwork. My doctor wasn't on call but the doctor on call was a doctor I had seen in the office a couple times and liked him. The spinal wasn't as painful as I thought and before I knew it, I was on the operating table hearing "Where is the daddy?"

Brett came in and we heard the doctor says, " I see a butt...that gives a whole new meaning to butt crack". We knew right away it was Brayden since he was breech. He was born at 7:56 p.m. Camden joined him soon after at 7:57 p.m.

Brayden was 4lbs 9 oz, 17 inches long. Camden was 5lbs 7oz, 19 inches long. I was able to see both of them right away before they brought them back to the nursery. Brett went back to the nursery with them but before they left, the Pediatrician told me they looked good.

While in recovery, Brett and the nurse brought Camden to me and I was able to have some skin to skin with him and attempt to breastfeed. Once I got in postpartum room, both boys were brought into the room. I was definitely sore and still a little out of it but so in love! We tried breastfeeding right away but because they are preemie, they couldn't latch quite right and we added a nipple shield. So we had a lactation specialist come in and our pediatrician wanted us to supplement because of their size. We did SNS and that seemed to work well but Camden ended up loosing more then 10% of his birth weight. We ended up having to bottle feed since the pediatrician said it'd be easier for them to gain weight and if they didn't gain weight, they'd have to go back into the hospital.

So...right now we are supplementing with formula and I am pumping so they get half and half. My goal is to get my supply up enough that I can either exclusively pump or go back to breastfeeding. We are still trying to figure everything out.

They are so perfect. They don't look alike at all yet they both look like their daddy. Brayden looks like Brett now and Camden looks like Brett did as a baby. Brayden has brown hair, Camden has blonde hair.

They sleep pretty good and we have to wake them up to feed them at night for the most part. It is definitely tiring and I am exhausted but I know before I know it, this will be gone so I am trying to enjoy every moment. My favorite is having them curled up on my chest.
Camden is on the right, Brayden is on the right. I will upload more pictures when things have settled down a little bit!